About Me

I take a lot of pictures on my phone, most of which are complete rubbish, but I have a few that I liked and wanted a way to share them with people outside of something like Facebook or Instagram. All pictures were taken on my phone and are either unedited or touched up only using the tools in Google Photos. No Photoshop, no desktop editing, and no fancy professional camera. My current phone is a Google Pixel 4, but I’ve also used a Pixel 3, Pixel 1, Nexus 5, Nexus S, and Google Glass. The Glass isn’t technically a phone, but the camera quality was basically the same as the Nexus S, so I included a few pictures from it.

I want to be absolutely clear here that I am not a professional photographer. I take pictures because I enjoy it and I don’t really care how professional it looks. The point here is to have fun and share what I enjoy with others. Also, expect many of these pictures to feature my two cats, Disney World parks, and the night sky. I like what I like and it’s reflected in my pictures. I’ve also included some shots from Universal Orlando, some past pets, and my travels to various states. Enjoy!
