Crazy Eyes in the Window

I usually only have the middle of our three front windows open for the cats, but I decided to pull up the blinds over my desk so that Bella could […]

Wild Daisies

I’m not entirely sure what these flowers are called, but they look like daisies of some sort. I looked around and the closest thing I could find was daisy fleabane, […]

White Elderflower

From the best that I can tell by Googling around, this is a white elderflower tree. I went for my evening walk a little earlier tonight which afforded me the […]

My Empty Street at Night

This is the main road just outside my neighborhood. I go for walks up and down this street at night and it’s been a lot quieter than usual. There are […]

My Broken Garbage Disposal

So there aren’t very many interesting subjects available to photograph when you’re quarantined in your house. The other day we noticed that there was water leaking under our sink, so […]

Just a Simple Light

This is just the light on the front of my house. I liked the depth of field I could get from changing focus back and forth, but otherwise there’s not […]